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Healthy Lifestyle

5 Tips on Immunology and intermittent fasting.


5 Tips on Immunology and Intermittent Fasting.

My Introduction-:

Vijay Wadagbalkar, Healthy Lifestyle & Abundance Expert
Vijay Wadagbalkar, Healthy Lifestyle & Abundance Expert

I am Vijay Wadagbalkar, a Company Secretary with 25 years of corporate experience as a Company Secretary now turned into a Health Care Professional and can certainly guide you on the benefits of intermittent fasting.

  • I am a Professionally Certified Diabetes Educator from Indo Vietnam Medical Board and a Brahmavidya Children’s Course Teacher. (https://brahmavidya.net)

I am also  a Network Of Influenza Care Expert (NICE) and as a TEAM of 500+ NICE Experts, we have cured 50,000+ Carona +ve patients with zero medicines, zero hospitalization and zero mortality by using the technique of fasting under the Mentorship of Dr Biswaroop Chowdhari (https://Drbiswaroop.com),

  • ¨Hi, Friends, I am  glad to inform you that by following a DIP DIET  (Disciplined Individual Person) plan  of DR Biswaroop   Choudhari, and also adopting the Whole Food Plant-Based Diet (Vega Food) as recommended by Dr Neil Bernard (https://drneilbernard.com.), I am free of my 5 years old Diabetes and High blood pressure problem and most importantly, I am free of 3Ds, diseases, Drugs, and doctors. You too can do it if you make changes in 3 areas of your Life, your Breath, Your Eating /Exercising, and Your Thinking which will also help in the Reversal of Lifestyle Diseases and without Medicine. Join my Whatsapp Group to know more about the recent “Healthy Lifestyle Formula ” digital product launched by me (https://chat.whatsapp.com/HAKxRVx6irb4SrJUtL9BGt) visit my website: https://vijaywadagbalkar.com)

The human body is capable of protecting itself from cancer. Each T cell has the power to kill 1000 cancer cells but with our wrong food habits, sleeping habits, waking up, and other wrong habits, we have suppressed the Power of T cells.

But do you know how this power comes back to you? It’s a New therapy in cancer; we used to have Radiation, Chemotherapy and now we have immunotherapy.


Immunotherapy, where you build a stronger immune system. Each T cell has the power to kill 1000 cancer cells and you know it’s proved by experiments, Dr James P. Allison

Eat Vegan Food to reverse Type2 Diabetes
Eat Vegan Food to reverse Type2 Diabetes

of the United States and Dr Tasuku Honjo, the 2018 Noble prize for medicine.

INTERMITTENT FASTING: (2018 Nobel Prize for Medicine)

They have proved that if you do a waterless fast twice a month that is every 15 days, your T cells will come back to your original power that is what we call Ekadashi. Nirjal Upvas.

Every aspect of spirituality has a physical, mental, emotional impact on you and if you can’t go waterless for 24 hours; 20 days in a Year; you can go on Google search on what I am saying.

I am talking 20 days in a year if you can go for 10 hours waterless fast, (not while you are sleeping okay at night); when you’re awake and the sun is on top of you and we are in the midst of some activity those 10 hours if you go waterless at least 20 days in a year.

Both doctors, Dr James P. Allison of the United States and Dr Tasuku Honjo, the 2018 Noble prize for medicine. have proved that immunotherapy will work and your immune system will be so strong; your T cells will come back to their original power and there are least, least chances of your body getting affected by cancer. Every aspect of spirituality is right. So keep faith in scriptures, keep faith in the sayings of great saints, keep faith in culture, tradition and values, ethics, and always maintain a work-life balance.


As per Dr Hunjo and Dr Allison (2018 Nobel Prize winners for Medicine)- 10 hours waterless fast for 20 days in a Year can protect you from Cancer !!! To learn to do 16 hours of fasting everyday technique, join my 4 Days What’s App Class by clicking the link below-:




Vijay Wadagbalkar
Healthy lifestyle & Abundance Expert

Mumbai, 01/07/2021

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What is Ekadashi?

Ekadashi is a traditional waterless fasting ritual, once every 15 days, i.e.20 times in a year, which if you do, has been proved by 2 Doctors Dr Honzo and Dr Allison 2018 Nobel Prize for Medicine as stated in the above article will build a strong immune system.

What is the 2018 Nobel Prize for?

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded on Monday to James P. Allison of the United States and Tasuku Honjo of Japan for their work on unleashing the body’s immune system to attack cancer, a breakthrough that has led to an entirely new class of drugs and brought lasting remissions to many patients who had run out of options.
Their success, which came after many researchers had given up on the idea, “brought immunotherapy out from decades of scepticism,” said Dr Jedd Wolchok, a cancer specialist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. It has, he said, “led to human applications that have affected an untold number of people’s health.”

Mumbai, 01/07/2021.

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